Monday, August 3, 2009

Happy Monday

My coworker wasn't due to come back to work until tomorrow but she came back to work today. I don't get it. If I had a vacation day left I would not be at work. I would be home enjoying having my day off. She's just afraid she's going to miss something important at work. She used to actually come into work at night before she started actually taking a vacation and leaving the state.

I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to it. I'm have a little goal in mind for our wedding anniversary but I don't want to ruin it by putting it out there. We'll just have to see what happens I guess. I also have one for when we go to the Kenny Chesney concert next week and I'm pretty close to that, too.

I have 2 doctors appointments on Wednesday. Looking forward to seeing my regular doctor so she can see the weight loss. And then the allergist to talk about the new infusion drug. At least I have only a half day at work.

Still loving the new glasses!!

New thought: I'm down 42 pounds from my heaviest weight of 287! Woohoo!!

1 comment:

Carissa said...

Wow..! 42 pounds is awesome! Love the blog, keep up the good work!

xo, BB