Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am the energizer bunny!

Guess who went to the gym this morning? Yeah, that would be me. I am so happy with myself. I did 40 minutes on the elliptical (425 calories burned thank you very much) and 30 minutes of weights. I had a fantastic workout and loved every minute of it.

For some reason I find it easier to exercise when it's hot (it was over 90 today and around 60 when I got to the gym) then when it's cold. I find it easier to watch what I eat (who wants to turn on an oven?) and eat more fruit and vegetables.

Unfortunately I forgot to put my shirt in my gym bag last night (I try to pack as much as I can the night before) so I had to come home and get it, making me late to work. But I got over it and it turned into an amazing day.

I had my awesome smoothie after dinner last night. I love it and I haven't had it in awhile. I am thinking of making one for tomorrow for work. I like to through some protein powder in it for after my workout. I mix one cup strawberries, one cup pineapple, 6oz Greek yogurt (I like the plain best) a little splenda and a little water in the blender. Then blend until smooth. It's super good! A nice after dinner summer treat. Or a good breakfast, as I mentioned. Yum!!

My wonderful husband cleaned the litter box, made the bed AND emptied the garbage today since he didn't have school. That was a nice treat for me.

I am super excited for "The Biggest Loser" tonight!! Go Tara!!


Natasha said...

Way to fit working out into your daily routine!

Hotch Potchery said...

ack. my comment disappeared.

I was saying that I do much better working out in the summer, the extra sweat makes me feel really athletic...weird, huh?

BUT, I also eat better in the summer...it gets really HOT here, and fruits/veggies/grilled chicken is all I feel like.

Anonymous said...

That smoothie sounds divine. Do you use fresh pineapple?

I am rooting for Tara, too. Some people on TWOP seem to not like her, but I think she's just a machine and an athlete and I'm really impressed by her.

Carolina John said...

a neighbor told me that Tara from BL is in my hometown right now visiting with phil and amy from last season. she's been spotted some at local gyms and walking the mall. When i heard this, i thought of you.

i know phil and amy from last season are running in a race i'm running on saturday, i'm hoping they got tara to run it too. how cool would that be?