Monday, April 13, 2009

Sharing a car bites.

I hope that you all that celebrate Easter had a nice holiday. The hubby and I went to his grandparents house for dinner. It was nice, not nearly as horrible as I thought I might be. Ha ha. I miss not having my Mom around for the holidays and a part of me was feeling guilty because my sisters and nephews invited me to go to the movies with them and I didn’t go, but I hadn’t seen the hubby’s family in awhile. It’s hard sometimes. Next holiday I am going to spend with my family, especially since Mom is planning to be here for Thanksgiving.

As for food, I wasn’t too bad yesterday but not as good as I could have been. It was a holiday after all and I probably could have done worse so I’m not going to worry about it.

I still haven’t made it back to the gym and it’s nearly 3 weeks. I’ve had no desire to go at night or in the morning so I’m not sure what I’ll do. I was thinking I might try to go tomorrow morning and just workout for an hour, so I don’t have to get up too early. And then once I’m used to that I could work into doing more then 60 minutes.

Sharing a car bites. I had to get to work this morning at 7:50am which is 40 minutes earlier then I need to be here. I hate it.

Hubby is supposed to grill tonight so I’m looking forward to that. I haven’t had chicken on the grill in awhile. I’m going to have him grill up a couple extra pieces so I can bring those to work with me this week.

Holy cow, my nails are growing like mad since I’ve been eating more fruit and vegetables. My hair, too, has gotten longer then I like and I need to get a haircut one of these minutes.

I may hit the treadmill tonight when I get home. I’ll have to see how I’m feeling. A little exercise would most likely do me good.

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