Thursday, April 2, 2009


That was an awful anxiety attack today. Ugh. Luckily I finally got myself out of it and I'm doing better.

But no, I am not going to the gym tonight.

I miss my morning workouts and so, I am going to try and start going to the gym before work again. I have my gym bag packed and ready to go so we'll see what happens. I gave it a try, going back at night, but I find myself having a hard time falling asleep when I get home and then I stay up later then I like and then I am tired at work and then I'm exhausted at night and I just find myself rushing to get everything done and missing my tv shows and...well I guess you understand.

Eating has been good since Sunday. I am looking forward to going back to weight watchers on Saturday. It's been awhile.

I am glad my sister will be home on Monday. Her dog is so lonely and I hate leaving him when I am there. Poor baby loves his Momma. lol

I am super sad that "ER" is ending tonight. Once upon a time that was my favorite show in the world and I never missed it. I cried through many a episode.

Super glad tomorrow is Friday!!


Anonymous said...

You had me at "missing my TV shows." It sounds like going to the gym before work is the way to go! I totally understand about being keyed up after an evening workout, but that is still what works best for me. You know it is all a process... finding out what works best for you and with your life.

Anonymous said...

Glad that your feeling better. I believe that when it comes to working out we all have to find time during the day that will work best for us. You have tried both before work and after work, and by reading your journal it really does seem that you were happier working out in the mornings. So I personally think that's great that your going back to the time of day where you know you will get in some kick ass workouts. Awesome job with the eating. How was the WW meeting? I hope everything went well.