Monday, April 13, 2009


I had pancakes for dinner tonight and they were super freaking good. I love breakfast any time of the day and I found this awesome 1 point pancakes that I wanted to try tonight. Yum!!

I'm sad that my 20 in 20 challenge isn't going to happen, but I totally understand how Ash is overwhelmed with everything. Hopefully something else will come up. I thought about doing my own challenge but eh...I don't know.

Hoping to get back to the gym tomorrow!!


carla said...

it's tomorrow, Girlie :)

Here's hoping you made it to the gym!!

karen said...

So you tell us there are 1 point pancakes but don't tell us where? How fair is that??? (Even though I don't do WW anymore I still know 1 point is a pretty good deal!)