Sunday, April 5, 2009

Stop waiting to be skinny to live life!

I told my husband that I need stop waiting to be skinny to live my life.

So far I haven't been able to do that.

It's time.

I totally remember that being skinny didn't make everything better. I was still depressed, I was still stressed, I was still insecure about myself. So why am I thinking that being skinny is going to make my life so much better.


Emily said...

I thought the same thing! I thought, "If I was smaller, I'd be happier with myself, more confident, and those things would allow me to better deal with the other bad stuff, like stress."

Totally false.

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

Sending you love. xx

karen said...

I'm right there with you! One of my old friends from high school and I were actually just talking about the same thing on facebook. I do, though, think that this journey IS making our lives better ... not by making us smaller, necessarily, but because so many of us seem to be learning (or relearning) things about ourselves. Big hugs!!!