Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I hate when I can't sleep

I had a horrible time falling asleep last night. I probably got 5 hours of sleep at best. Which means no gym this morning. I'm exhausted right now. Ugh. I think I was worried about work related stuff and that wasn't helping. I have NOTHING to worry about but I think it's the visit from coporate that is bugging me. They won't even LOOK at the CSR department (we don't exist to most) but still. It's just annoying to have to dress all nice and act phony when everyone knows we don't dress like that all the time and actually have fun most days.

I WILL be discussing "The Biggest Loser" today. I am hoping to update later. I am not happy with a few people and I cried through most of the episode (again).

Off to finish getting ready for work. Grocery shopping tonight. Gym tomorrow (I hope).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you had trouble sleeping last night sounds like you had a lot on your mine.