Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Okay, you all know I've mentioned my "single white female" coworker. And her crazy way of copying everything that I do. Well today she comes into work with a brand new ipod touch and speakers for her desk. Which really is fine by me, I could care less but I've had a radio, mp3 player and or a satellite at my desk for 8 1/2 years. She has NEVER had any music at all on her desk and I actually didn't think she listened to music because she never talks about bands or concerts or anything like that. Then she was asking me all kinds of questions about MY Slacker and when I told her I only paid for the device, the music and stuff on it is FREE, I thought she was going to choke on her coffee. Am I just being overly sensitive or is this whole thing getting really strange? Today she told me she wanted to lose weight (although she mentioned a month ago or so about droping 50 pounds by Memorial Day) so she was going to join the gym. Oh fun.

No gym today but I swore to myself I would go tomorrow. We'll see.

One of my coworkers who was on vacation last week, kept calling me slim today. I assured him I had not lost any weight, but he said it looked like I had and that I was his hero. Hey, whatever floats your boat.

It was super busy at work today so I didn't have time to update.

So excited for the makeovers on "The Biggest Loser" tonight. I know that Tara is going to look fan-freaking-tastic!!


Pam said...

Um. Creapy about the SWF. Maybe she has a girl-crush on you.

We are stoaked about Biggest Looser too! :)

Chantelle {fat mum slim} said...

Oh I've had the same thing happen to me.

The person went as far as having a baby just to be like me. Weird.

I love the makeover show. It's the best one.

See ya later SLIM! ;)

Pheonix said...

Wow... that is kind of strange... but, remember, immitation is the biggest form of flattery! Take it as a compliment... for now! If you start noticing her collecting snippets of your hair, or lurking around your neighbourhood wearing a kercheif, large sunglasses and hiding behind a zoom lense camera! That's when I'd get worried!

Tamzin said...

I think that you should start doing some really crazy shit JUST to see if she will do it...

like tell her you are on the all "Raw Oysters Dinner" diet where you go home and eat as many raw oysters as possible for dinner as that "lubes the intestines" or some such nonesense - and then see if she does it! haha!